
The One Size Cloth Diaper Grows With Your Baby

New moms researching the possibilities in diapering may take a look at cloth covers and think, "Okay, if I buy these and my baby grows too big for them, what then?" The answer to this "dilemma" is quite short - it will not happen! Modern cloth diapers are designed to grow with your baby, so there is no need to worry about buying whole new sizes as your child learns to walk and potty train. The one size cloth diaper is just that...the only size you need for diapering duty.

What makes the one size diaper unique? Take a look at any name brand shell, and you'll see a series of snaps or hooks along the body. These snaps allow you to adjust the flaps of your baby's diaper to fit regardless of his size. If you have a smaller baby, or one that grows rather quickly, you can account for any changes to secure the diaper in place.

Another great feature about one size diapers is that they fold easily for travel. You may think disposables are good because they are thin and better to stack, but cloth proves just as handy in this case. Cloth diapers are absorbent and can be used with or without inserts for extra protection.

With a one size cloth diaper, your baby will experience comfort at any size. Absorbent and natural materials keep baby's skin soft and dry, and if he has a growth spurt there's no need to worry about shopping for new covers just yet - simply unsnap and move up a size!

