
The Comeback Of Baby Cloth Diapers - Big Baby Diapering News

Baby cloth diapers are making a huge comeback, and for good reasons. For one, they are much cheaper than disposable diapers. They are also more environment-friendly since they can be reused unlike disposable diapers that go to the landfills. Another advantage is that cloth diapers are more comfortable than disposable ones.

 Are disposable diapers draining your wallet? Well, cloth diapers cost around $1500 less than their expensive counterpart over your child's diaper life. Consumer Reports found that disposables for one baby will cost between $1500 and $2000 by the time he or she is past diaper life. A newborn uses about 12 diapers everyday.

 Disposables go to the landfills, while baby cloth diapers can be washed and reused. The Real Diaper Association reports that about 27.4 billion disposables are used every year in the United States alone. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, this translates into over 3.4 million tons of disposable diapers dumped straight into landfills.

 It is estimated that it takes between 250 and 500 years for a disposable diaper to decay. Not only can you wash and reuse cloth diapers, you can also reuse them on your next child, and after that, as household rags. The good thing about using diapers made from cloth is that it slows down the pileup of landfills.

 Baby cloth diapers also protect your baby's skin. They do not contain many of the chemicals found in disposables such toluene, styrene, and ethylbenzene, which have been associated with respiratory toxicity. Fragrances and chemicals in some disposable diapers can cause asthma. In contrast, babies who wear cloth diapers rarely get rashes. Producing disposables also consumes large amounts of chlorine, petroleum, and wood pulp.

 In addition, using cloth wipes ensures the health of your baby as well as the environment. You can create your own formula for wipes. In a spray bottle, mix a quarter cup of baby shampoo, another quarter cup of baby oil, one and one-quarter cups of water, 5 drops of tea tree oil, and 8 drops of lavender oil. Spray on diaper cloth and wipe.

 Another advantage of using nappies made from cloth is that you can choose from a wide range of colors, fabrics, and closure styles. You can also buy an all-in-one design that is as easy to use as disposables. Other choices include contoured, fitted, pre-folds, liners, doublers, and diaper covers.

 It is a good idea to have more baby cloth nappies (start with 24 cloth diapers and 6 covers), especially if you have less time to wash. Basically, the more you have baby cloth diapers, the less frequent you have to wash.

Source: http://hongliye.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-ten-most-crucial-things-to-know.html

